Tuesday, October 19, 2010


It's been a bit since I posted last. Not because I am neglecting you, but because I have been preoccupied. Which, I just realized is the same thing. So sorry, faithful four. Since getting home from the retreat, so much has been swimming around in my mind. I'm honestly not sure I have been able to post a complete thought. There's a lot of good stuff going on up in there (in my mind, that is, and no thanks to me), so I am still trying to sort it all out. 

And then I didn't want to deal with Monday. Laundry, a messy kitchen and housework catch-up loomed over my head, but I just pretended it didn't exist. That Monday itself didn't exist. Even through my not-so-subtle but complete denial of Monday's existence, I realized I couldn't sit around ALL day. So, I did a little housework (just a little), went to Zumba to shake my bootay and cooked tacos for all my mens. Speaking of my mens, you know you want to see them...and I can't resist showing them off. :)

I had to get pics of Ezra this past Sunday in his cute little button down shirt. Doesn't he look so grown up??? My, that boy is getting big so fast.
 Jude's expression and hands say, "but why Dad???" This kid is so darn cute, what did we ever laugh about before he came along?

And a few books to read to your little ones for Halloween: I can't get these book pictures any bigger, so I included the names of the books and the authors also.

Ollie's Halloween by Olivier Dunrea. Cute book with cute pictures that had a sweet message at the end about sharing.
Ollie's Halloween

Trick or Treat, Calico! by Karma Wilson. Karma, really? A lift-the-flap book that Jude really enjoyed.
Trick or Treat, Calico!

What's Under the Bed by Joe Fenton. The illustrations in this book are quite interesting. It was dark grey and black mostly, but with small splashes of color makes it neat to look at, and the story itself was cute too.
What's Under the Bed?


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