Thursday, March 15, 2007

Knit n Stitch

Ok, so I was so excited about this that I wanted to post a blog about it. I finished my very first knitting project!! Here are a few pics…

I have to admit, I didn’t sew the button on. I owe that to Brandi’s friend, I just couldn’t seem to do it right. Oh, for those of you who don’t know what it is, it’s a baby bib! I will be giving to my pregnant friend as a gift. I hope she doesn’t read this before I give it to her. Actually, I’ll be making several to give her. I’m just glad it looks decent. I worked really hard on this stupid thing! I’ve started on a new baby bib, which was very frustrating. I got the first row knitted. The yarn I’m using is waaaaaaay too thin, I’m not sure if I can use it! I’m going to try for a few rows, but if it’s too frail I’m just going to stop. The yarn is really cute too. A couple of friends suggested that I double up on it, but I don’t know if I will do that.

It’s really a strange feeling to make something and finish it, and then have a sense of accomplishment for finishing something that looks good and will benefit someone else. I know this was simple, a baby bib, no big deal right? But you see, I’m not very good at making things. Usually when I try to make something, whatever it may be, it turns out mediocre at best. Most of the time I fail miserably. So, you can imagine my surprise and joy at this success. Hopefully I’ll develop this knitting skill, I’d really like to be good at something. Maybe this is my calling in life, to knit knit knit until my heart is content! Ha! I doubt it……